Processing Bamboo
The following section shows you bamboo processing.
A major feature of Beppu bamboo craft is that it uses high-quality materials.
A major feature of Beppu bamboo craft is that it uses high-quality materials.

A 3~4 year-old bamboo tree is chopped down.
2.Oil Extraction

Excess oil is removed from bamboo by boiling it in caustic soda water for about 15 minutes.

The bamboo is then sun-dried and becomes yellow in color. It is then bought by bamboo craftsmen.

The bamboo is cut into suitable lengths and then split in half along its grain.

Each piece is split again and again and again until it is a usable width.

The pieces are stripped of their soft, inner layer and split into still smaller and smaller pieces.
7.Making thin sticks

The ultimate thickness of each piece is determined using a tool called a 'sukisen', and the width using a 'habatori'.

The corners are rounded off with a knife to finish them off.
Weaving and Finishing
The following section shows you the weaving and finishing of bamboo baskets.
A major feature of Beppu bamboo craft is that it uses high-quality materials.
A major feature of Beppu bamboo craft is that it uses high-quality materials.
9.Weaving the Bottom

The bottom is woven with thin bamboo strips.
10.Weaving the Body

The body wall is then woven from the bottom up.
11.Body Shape

The basket is shaped according to the craftsman's design.

The basket is woven tightly, little by little, determining its shape.
13.Finishing the Rim

The rim weaving is the last part of the process.

The basket is dipped in dye.

After the basket is dry it is polished with a cloth.
16.Lacquer Finishing

The basket is finished with natural lacquer.
Occasionally, it is finished using shuai-urushi, a concentrated lacquer with color added to it.